You are investing a lot of time and money into your new endeavor; failing is expensive and frustrating. Succeeding is fun and rewarding.
Isn't it wonderful how technology can allow a way to communicate with pictures and video.
You can utilize my over 50 years experience by contacting me and sharing a photo or video of a questionable problem you are having with your bees. Or you just have questions that require a discussion.
Contact me through the home page, "Contact Us" area and schedule a call for experienced advice to your problem or idea. You can schedule a 30 minute minimum, resolution session, payable through PayPal or the CASH App for $85, or a one hour session for $150.
Utilizing my experience can save you hundreds, and eliminate that frustration.
Copyright © 2024 Beekeeping Bliss - All Rights Reserved.
A division of Autumn Olive Farms LLC